Culturally speaking – language development for teachers

Fedezzük fel együtt az angol nyelv mögött lappangó kultúrákat, az utóbbi évek eseményeinek és változásainak köszönhető nyelvi újdonságokat! Kurzusunkon a résztvevőknek lehetősége lesz saját, magas szintű nyelvi repertoárjuk felfrissítésére is, valamint megismerhetnek a későbbiekben saját diákjaikkal is kiválóan alkalmazható gyakorlatokat és technikákat.

Are you ready for a little break from teaching, marking homework and the like? How about boosting your knowledge of all things English? In a series of topic-based sessions during our course, we will look at highly relevant issues including:

  • cultural curiosities in the Anglophone world,
  • typical issues in English for Hungarian speakers,
  • the influence of social media on language change,
  • the spoken and written English young people encounter and use.

You will also have a chance to look at some language areas that you as a teacher of English and a high-level language user might find useful, such as C2-level grammar, contemporary idiomatic and colloquial language, style and register and intonation. You will learn about engaging teaching activities and techniques that will not only help with the language areas above but that you can also later adapt to use with students across various levels.

Course trainers: Neil Anderson, Anna Csíky

Basic information:

  • Face-to-face course delivered in Budapest
  • Registration deadline: 25 August 2024


27-28 August 2024

Course fee
24.900 Ft

Budapest Training Institute - a Member of the Euroexam International Group

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