Young Learners Methodology course

Az általános iskolás tanulók oktatásának módszertana - A Budapest Training Institute Young Learners tanfolyamának fókuszában a 8-14 éves korosztály tanításának kihívásai állnak. Hogyan változnak a tanulók nyelvtanulási stratégiái az évek előrehaladtával? Hogy tudjuk a korosztályi sajátosságokat figyelembe venni a munkaformák szervezésével, a motiváló feladattípusok megválasztásával? Mindez műhelybeszélgetésektől a technikák élő bemutatásáig.

The idea of “young learners” (YLs) is a broad one, and this course considers key features of 8-14-year-olds, including the changes that occur as children grow, as well as the implications of this for teaching English to them.

We will look at the evolving learning strategies that children apply to their language studies as they get older, and how the teacher can take these into account when dealing with issues like class management, the appropriacy of different task types, or contextual focus. Through demonstration and discussion, we will explore key issues for YLs and exciting practical ideas for addressing these. Areas to be covered include:

  • stages of cognitive development in YLs, and implications for practice;
  • affective issues: motivation and classroom dynamics;
  • key issues in classroom management: discipline, routines, stirrers and settlers;
  • how to focus on language: explicit or implicit;
  • core practical techniques and ideas: tasks, stories and projects.

Course schedule: Wednesdays 17.00-19.00CEST for four weeks
Course trainers: Anna Csíky, Kolos Esztergályos


Next starting date
spring 2024

Course fee
24 900 Ft

Budapest Training Institute - a Member of the Euroexam International Group



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