Planning & Managing Communicative Language Lessons

Az órán újra és újra elhangzik ugyanaz a hiba - mik lehetnek a mélyebb okok? Mikor és hogyan reagáljunk, hogy a visszajelzés végre valódi javuláshoz vezessen? Milyen motiváló, kommunikatív eszközeink vannak a receptív és produktív készségek valóban hatékony fejlesztésére? A Budapest Training Institute közös műhelymunkán alapuló továbbképzése, melyet elsősorban a már több éves tanítási tapasztalattal rendelkező tanároknak ajánlunk.

| Következő időpont: 2024 tavasz

If you are a teacher with two or more years’ experience, you are almost certainly ready to reflect on what you do and why – what makes a classroom my classroom communicative?

When is it good to correct and not correct students? How can I motivate that student? This course will provide you with an engaging, varied and interactive experience involving discussion, demonstration and reflection. You will leave each session with an improved understanding of key areas of theory as well as concrete ideas to inform your teaching practice. This 8-hour course is offered both online and face-to-face.

Planning & Managing Communicative Language Lessons

  • looking at the mistakes our learners make, exploring why, and considering a range of practical ways of correcting and offering feedback;
  • teaching at the point of need: how to create space for learners to communicate, and practical ways of dealing with the language that emerges as a result of this communication;
  • bringing the coursebook to life - low preparation ways to make material more exciting and more relevant to our learners;
  • addressing difficulties that commonly occur in class, including motivating learners who seem less enthusiastic, as well practical ways of dealing with mixed ability classrooms.

Course tutors: Neil Anderson and Eszter Szenttornyai
Course schedule: Fri 4:00-6:00pm CET, 4 weeks, online.

"Let’s take a good look beneath the surface and ask, what is it that makes a classroom communicative? What does the most up-to-date research tell us and how does it help us plan and teach motivating, principled lessons?”

Neil Anderson, your main course tutor and Head of Training at the Budapest Training Institute


Next starting date
Spring 2024, online

Course fee
70 €

Budapest Training Institute - a Member of the Euroexam International Group
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